Headhunter | Personalberatung | The recruiting catalyst for the European tech ecosystem

Head of Energy (m/f/d)

Head of Energy for leading company in Smart Energy Mangement



20% Remote

We are looking for a dynamic entrepreneur who massively scales and internationally expands our clients' energy business.

Your Mission 

  • Fast scale up of the existing business in Germany and Austria
  • Expand into other core markets such as France, UK, Netherlands within the next 24 months (organically, inorganically or through partnerships)
  • Link their tariff offering to their offer space - e.g. integrated offering of the heat pump control interface with a dynamic tariff
  • Full P&L responsibility 
  • Scaling and expanding the energy business across Europe with a flexibility to grow organically or via partnerships
  • Assuring integration of the energy tariffs (dynamic consumption & feed-in) into their energy management cosmos around software and the hardware products (Heat pump optimizer..)
  • Representing the Energy segment towards all external and internal stakeholders

Your Profile

  • You are an entrepreneur with a track record in scaling business and digital mergers
  • You have extensive experience in Energy Sales and Operations, ideally also with dynamic Tariffs and SaaS
  • You are a value oriented team player and modern leader that has proven his leadership skills in a cross functional, multicultural team for at least 5 years
  • You are highly customer centric, target oriented and bring a business approach that is flexible
  • You are fluent in German and English, any other European language is a plus
  • You don´t mind to travel between Munich and Vienna 

Your benefits

  • Flexible working hours to accommodate your schedule and remote-friendly work environment, with the option for temporary work from abroad within the EU. 
  • 30 annual paid vacation days and a contribution to your company pension scheme. 
  • Annual Learning & Development budget for your professional and personal development, including training, coaching and subsidized German language courses. 
  • Learning from highly-skilled colleagues through an open, appreciative feedback culture. 
  • Discounted access to gyms and courses through "EGYM" for your fitness and work-life balance. 
  • Health care activities by company doctors such as vaccination, skin screenings, and mental health service via HelloBetter. 
  • Free Tuesday lunch in the office, company-wide events, regular "Beer O'clock" afterwork events, and various sports events throughout the year. 

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We make you grow

Nina Haffner

+49 176 23995237
Talent Tree GmbH
Balanstraße 73, Haus 21A
81541 München

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