Headhunter | Personalberatung | The recruiting catalyst for the European tech ecosystem
Mar 29, 2016
Julian von Blücher

Our partnerships with Digital Climate Champions & ClimateTech Start-ups

In recent years, the big players in the digital world have gotten plenty of attention for their efforts to make the world a better place. But it’s not only the titans of the tech sphere that make a difference. Many start-ups and grown-ups are making strides that could change the world, and since founding Talent Tree at the beginning of 2015, we’ve had the pleasure of working with passionate entrepreneurs who share our vision. Together with our clients, here in Germany and all over the world, we’re striving to match some of the most innovative startups in clean tech with the talent to help them achieve their dreams.

At Talent Tree, we focus on partnering up with likeminded tech companies disrupting the way how we treat our planet: we call them “digital climate champions.” Our team of specialized headhunters helps to introduce the right talent to the right companies – companies like Tado, Sonnen and Volocopter.

Tado’s founders, headquartered in Munich, aim to make the world a better place, one home at a time.  The Tado heating solution links with an app on the user’s smartphone. Through the employment of geofencing technology, the temperature is regulated based on the owner’s proximity to home. Heating and cooling processes are responsible for 60% of energy consumption within households located at middle latitude. With Tado’s sleek upgrade for the modern user, intelligent homeowners can decrease their own carbon footprint drastically, with minimal effort on the part of the consumer.  Simple, sophisticated, soulful – we’re proud to work with Tado.

Or consider Sonnen, another Bavarian-based digital climate champion, that’s seeking to provide every human with the ability to create and share his own source of energy, thereby reducing the world’s dependence on fossil fuels – one battery at a time. Sonnen’s solar-powered batteries allow likeminded consumers to harness their own supplies of sunshine energy. When a user has excess energy on his hands, he can share and distribute this surplus through the Sonnen Community. This harmonious exchange of one of nature’s most precious resources is a key element of CEO Christoph Ostermann’s vision for the future, and we’re thrilled to be a part of helping them to build their tech-savvy team.

And Volocopter caters to the thrill-seeker in all of us. For those who have always fantasized about the dream of flying and the opportunity to commandeer a helicopter, Volocopter might be your best bet – and you can sleep easy knowing that your passion isn’t destroying the planet. Built with electric motors and equipped with over 100 sensors, this intuitive and easy-to-operate new helicopter is a dream come true for eco-friendly aviators. We applaud the founders for taking a dream, and making it a reality – especially with a nod to the environment. We are proud to have brought the managing director to complete the Volocoptor management team.

We’re an eclectic team at Talent Tree, with varied interests, backgrounds, and life journeys. But we share a goal – to become the number one ally for ClimateTech Start-ups who share our beliefs, too. We’re proud of the companies we support, the teams we work with, and the candidates we match. If your company is in need of top talent, brilliant minds and disruptive thinkers, get in touch. We’d love to work with you too.

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We make you grow

Julian von Blücher

Talent Tree GmbH
Balanstraße 73, Haus 21A
81541 München

Anastasiia Dyshko

Talent Tree GmbH
Balanstraße 73, Haus 21A
81541 München

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